[Dresden Notes]
Spuren e.V. works closely with Dresdner Geschichtsverein, which is involved in various history-related projects. According to its own web page, its main project is:
The quarterly magazine about cultural history in the Dresden region [that] exists since 1983. Since 1991, after being conceptionally and structurally modernized, the Dresdner Geschichtsverein serves as its publisher.
The Dresdner Hefte are oriented around a diverse review of historical developments, including those of personalities, buildings and intellectual-historical phenomena in the city. At the same time, each edition of the Hefte follows a separate theme, so is organized like an anthology, and deals with urban, Saxonian and pan-regional contexts—like (e.g.) Dresden’s ties to European cultural history.
Confrontational and based on the latest research, in its popularized, richly illustrated form this journal targets the widest possible public.
Authors from notable academic and cultural institutions in Saxony write for the Hefte or are accessible to the editorial board with their knowledge.
According to its publication run as well as reputation, today the Dresdner Hefte belongs to the most successful regional historical publications in Germany. In 1993 it was awarded the Bundesprise der deutschen Heimatzeitschriften (the “Federal prize for local journals”).
The Dresdner Hefte are underwritten by the Cultural Office of the Provincial Capital Dresden. The main sponsor is the Dresdner Volksbank Raiffeisenbank.